Greenhouse winter styled session

This Green house styled session had some bumps in the road. For the longest time I’ve been wanting to do a mini styled session. Something simple and modern. I had a vision of an open field and lots of greenery. Unfortunately in Erie, we got snow and everything was still dead and brown.

I messaged June Bloom Design and asked her if we could collaborate am SO thankful that she was all in! I wanted more time to put more pieces together, but I ran out of time. To be completely honest I couldn’t find a boutique that was willing to send a dress that I had envisioned. So I used my own dress for the model. I really was praying that the dress fit her!

Because of the turn of events in the weather we resulted to the Erie Zoo’s green house. I really couldn’t remember exactly what it looked like inside, but I knew it was green. I took a big chance because I was really running out of ideas.

HUGE HUGE thank you to Carley and her mom for taking time to come to the zoo and take some images with me.

Floral arrangements : June Bloom Design

Dress: Aerie

 Model : Carley Popoff

The Journal
