Millennials, hear me out

Three times in one day I’ve heard on totally different and unrelated occasions about Millennials being labeled under such a negative title. BUT we are being put under this title without getting the chance to defend ourselves.
When I look up how society describes us I see the words impatient, spoiled, know it all, want it free, not loyal, short attention-span, and the list goes on and on. As a Millennial myself, I am almost embarrassed to be called these things. I can’t help that I was born into this time, raised the way I was, or the fact that I have access to information anytime I want it. I get the point of view that yes, we are used to things a certain way therefore that rubs off onto us, just like how you were raised a certain way and it rubbed off onto you. My main issue with this all is that somehow I feel targeted and blamed for something that I CANT help! It’s frustrating!
I am sorry but if I hear the phrase “I didn’t have this when I was your age” and ” when I was growing up ”  from someone one more time I might lose it.  When you say that what do you expect from us? What does saying that phrase change? When you were younger is a different time, things have evolved and how things are going is the new norm. I get that you point out certain flaws that this generation has, but EVERY generation has it’s flaws.
We get it , yes we are impatient at times because we were born into a technology era that has given us that access to anything and everything right away. We most definitely are aware of the things being said, and it hurts sometimes. If you really took the time to look at the great things being accomplished and the statistics being turned around you’d be shocked. I know that kids in this generation are freaking amazing. I am wowed by the intelligence that my own classmates have, there are kids my age that are figuring out ways to cure cancer. There are kids my age that are creating apps that have over millions of downloads!!  Even better there are 10 year-old’s learning things that a freshman in high school would’ve been learning 20 years ago.
We are pretty freaking cool.
We must allow room for our voices,  I want to know what one negative title that millennials have been given. Take that title and prove that you defy it.
Prove it and share your side of the story and use the hashtag #Millennialproud !

The Journal
